I’m very happy to announce that my story, “The Candle,” which appeared in Michael Kelly’s excellent journal Shadows & Tall Trees, has been selected for inclusion in Imaginarium 2012, an anthology coming out next month from ChiZine Publications.

This is the first time one of my stories has been chosen to appear in a “year’s best” collection, and I’m pretty freaking excited about it. I was also informed that two of my Felix Renn stories, “My Body” (which originally appeared in the anthology Chilling Tales) and Black-Eyed Kids (a chapbook from Burning Effigy Press) both received honourable mentions in the book.

If you’re interested in checking out Imaginarium 2012 — where my story will appear alongside others by Kelley Armstrong, Cory Doctorow, Rio Youers, Gemma Files, and many more — the pre-order links are already up at ChiZine Publications.