I’m very excited to announce the publication of a new Black Lands story.Screams From the Dark 

“You Have What I Need” is the kickoff story in the new anthology Screams From The Dark. Edited by Ellen Datlow and featuring 29 stories by some of the finest authors of horror and dark fiction today. I’m honoured to be included among them, and even more to have a Black Lands story in such an incredible collection.

This is another of my standalone Black Lands tales, meaning it doesn’t feature recurring characters like Felix Renn or Jerry Baldwin. Instead, I wanted to explore the day-to-day (or in this case, night-to-night) lives of other people and how they deal with a world where paranormal has become the norm. 

Vampires are one of the many monsters that exist in the Black Lands, and they’re among the deadliest. In addition to being vicious, blood-thirsty creatures, they also carry a deadly virus that can turn their victims into vampires themselves. 

In this story, a woman with a bite on her arm walks into a hospital emergency room… and then the horror truly begins.