When a blackout hits the city, Felix Renn offers to escort a woman home.  

But this is no ordinary blackout, and before the night is over, Felix and the woman will have to make a decision that will affect both their lives. 

Published in: Nightmare Abbey 3
Date: May 2023
Ordering: Amazon.com

I enjoyed writing this story because it’s one of the few Felix Renn tales that isn’t about him working a case. Instead, this is a look into what Felix does — and what he’s like — during his off hours.

Of course, being as committed to his work as he is, Felix isn’t a whole helluva lot different when he isn’t on the job. He still wants to help people with their problems, and those problems often turn out to be supernatural in nature. 

This predilection for the paranormal (is it something Felix chooses or is it an external force that seeks him out?) is something I explore in much more detail in the first Black Lands novel, Sycamore. Which will hopefully see the light of day sooner rather than later.  

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