Woke up today to two new reviews of “Black-Eyed Kids.” The first comes from Nicholas Kaufmann, author of the excellent novellas General Slocum’s Gold and Chasing the Dragon:

“The Black-Eyed Kids… are relatable in form but utterly terrifying in action and motivation, not to mention extremely violent, all of which, I think, makes them really frightening. We also get to meet another weird and original creature from the Black Lands, the blackwood, a carnivorous, spider-like tree, which shows up in one of the novella’s best set pieces.”

Read the full review.

The other review comes from Colum McKnight at DreadfulTales.com. Here’s an excerpt:

“Having read a lot, if not all, of Rogers’ work, I’d come to assume that I was going to mainly get style and content from this author. This novella proves that he’s not only capable of the above mentioned two things, but he’s also capable of setting you up for some truly intense scares. And good faith in the author, coupled with a vague sense of knowledge as to where the character is going, tells me that this is a trend that Rogers is going to set for the Black Lands novels. I’m stoked.”

Read the full review.

Thanks to both of these gents for the very fine reviews. I will now call off the BEKs and make sure they never visit your homes again!